9 hour maximum - Floor Capacity 500 - Bleachers capacity 475
Summer Weekend Arena Slab Rental Fee (Full Day) - $350.00 + HST + Deposit $50.00
Regular User Groups that include Not-for-Profit Groups, Church Groups, Community Groups and Seniors Groups - Summer
Weekend Arena Slab Rental Fee (Full Day without Liquor Licensed Event) - $50.00 + HST
Summer Weekday Arena Slab Rental Fee - 2 Hour Maximum - $30.00 + HST + Deposit $50.00
Regular User Groups that include Not-for-Profit Groups, Church Groups, Community Groups and Seniors Groups - Summer
Weekday Arena Slab Rental Fee - 2 Hour Maximum - $30.00 + HST
Adult Prime Time (Mon-Fri, 6pm to Close, plus all Weekend Rentals) for 2024/2025 Season, per hour - $194.10 + HST
Youth Prime Time (Mon-Fri, 6pm to Close, plus all Weekend Rentals) for 2024/2025 Season, per hour - $145.25 + HST
Off Prime or "School Rate" - $121.08 + HST (Before 6pm, Except Saturday and Sundays)